wendy / com.levibostian.wendy / WendyConfig


class WendyConfig

Configure Wendy and how it operates.




Configure Wendy and how it operates.

Companion Object Properties


var automaticallyRunTasks: Boolean

Turn on and off the ability for Wendy to automatically run all of the PendingTasks set to not manually run for you. This takes place when you:


var debug: Boolean

Turn on and off debug mode. This turns on and off Wendy sending messages to the logcat.


var logTag: String

The tag used when Wendy sends debug messages to the logcat.


var strict: Boolean

Sets Wendy to strict mode or not. Strict mode helps while developing your app to find and fix potential issues while working with Wendy.

Companion Object Functions


fun addTaskRunnerListener(listener: TaskRunnerListener): Boolean

Listen to updates about the Wendy task runner. Get updates about when tasks get executed, when the task runner is done running all the tasks, etc.


fun addTaskStatusListenerForTask(taskId: Long, listener: PendingTaskStatusListener): Unit

Listen to updates about a specific task and how it is going. Get updated when this specific task gets run by the task runner, then if it fails/succeeds/gets skipped.