interface TaskRunnerListener
Listen to status updates from the Wendy task runner. You will get notified about the status of the task runner as well as general task updates on all of the tasks that it runs.
See Also
abstract fun allTasksComplete(): Unit
The task runner has completed running all of it's tasks. |
abstract fun errorRecorded(task: PendingTask, errorMessage: String?, errorId: String?): Unit
There was an error recorded to Wendy. |
abstract fun errorResolved(task: PendingTask): Unit
A previously recorded error for a PendingTask has been marked as resolved. |
abstract fun newTaskAdded(task: PendingTask): Unit
New task added to Wendy to be run. |
abstract fun runningTask(task: PendingTask): Unit
The task runner is now running this given task. |
abstract fun taskComplete(success: Boolean, task: PendingTask): Unit
Task has either successfully run or failed it's run by the task runner. |
abstract fun taskSkipped(reason: ReasonPendingTaskSkipped, task: PendingTask): Unit
If the task runner decides to skip the given PendingTask for some reason. |