wendy / com.levibostian.wendy.service / PendingTask / tag


open var tag: String

This is annoying, I know. I hope to remove it soon. This identifies your subclass with Wendy so when Wendy queries your PendingTask in the sqlite DB, it knows to run your subclass. It's recommended to set the tag to: NameOfYourSubclass::class.java.simpleName.

Note: The tag and dataId are the 2 properties that determine a unique instance of PendingTask. Wendy is configured to mark tag and dataId as unique constraints in the Wendy task database. So, even if the groupId, manuallyRun is defined differently between 2 PendingTask instances, Wendy will write and run the most recently added PendingTask.


tag -

This is annoying, I know. I hope to remove it soon. This identifies your subclass with Wendy so when Wendy queries your PendingTask in the sqlite DB, it knows to run your subclass. It's recommended to set the tag to: NameOfYourSubclass::class.java.simpleName.

Note: The tag and dataId are the 2 properties that determine a unique instance of PendingTask. Wendy is configured to mark tag and dataId as unique constraints in the Wendy task database. So, even if the groupId, manuallyRun is defined differently between 2 PendingTask instances, Wendy will write and run the most recently added PendingTask.